# Climate Normals

Essentially, climate normals are a summary of the typical weather over a period of 30 years. This endpoint provides one GZ compressed CSV file per weather station which contains all available reference periods for the respective weather station.

# Endpoint


Please replace {station} with the ID of a weather station.

Weather stations are identified using their Meteostat ID, which equals the WMO ID for weather stations which are part of the WMO index.

# Structure

CSV files provided through the Meteostat bulk data interface use commas as separators. Each file provides the following columns:

Order Parameter Description Type
1 start The first year (YYYY) of the period Integer
1 end The last year (YYYY) of the period Integer
2 month The month Integer
4 tmin The average daily minimum air temperature in °C Float
5 tmax The average daily maximum air temperature in °C Float
6 prcp The monthly precipitation total in mm Float
9 wspd The average wind speed in km/h Float
11 pres The average sea-level air pressure in hPa Float
12 tsun The monthly sunshine total in minutes (m) Integer

More information about the data format is available here.