# Monthly Data

This endpoint provides one GZ compressed CSV file per weather station.

# Endpoints

Full data dumps, including model data as substitute, are available here:


Please replace {station} with the ID of a weather station.

# Structure

CSV files provided through the Meteostat bulk data interface use commas as separators. Each file provides the following columns:

Order Parameter Description Type
1 year The year (format: YYYY) Integer
2 month The month (format: MM) Integer
3 tavg The average air temperature in °C Float
4 tmin The average daily minimum air temperature in °C Float
5 tmax The average daily maximum air temperature in °C Float
6 prcp The monthly precipitation total in mm Float
7 snow The maximum snow depth in mm Integer
8 wdir The average wind direction in degrees (°) Integer
9 wspd The average wind speed in km/h Float
10 wpgt The peak wind gust in km/h Float
11 pres The average sea-level air pressure in hPa Float
12 tsun The monthly sunshine total in minutes (m) Integer

More information about the data format is available here.

# Source Maps

Each dump has a .map file associated with it. These source map files are equally structured as the dumps themselves. However, instead of numerical data, they contain flags which identify the original source of an observation or aggregation.

To request a station's map file, use the following URL:


Please replace {station} with the ID of a weather station.

# Flags

Please refer to the following table for the meaning of the different flags:

Flag Source Granularity Aggregated
A National weather service Monthly X
B Global dataset Monthly X
C National weather service Daily
D Global dataset (GHCND) Daily
E National weather service Hourly
F Global dataset (ISD) Hourly
G SYNOP reports Hourly
H METAR reports Hourly
I Model data (MOSMIX, Met.no) Hourly

If the data source is a national weather service (NWS), it refers to the NWS which operates the respective weather station.