# Monthly Data

This endpoint provides historical monthly statistics for a particular weather station. The data provided through this endpoint is aggregated from multiple governmental interfaces.

Monthly data is coming in with an offset of multiple months. Additionally, Meteostat aggregates monthly data from hourly observations, daily records and model data.

# Endpoint

Monthly data is provided through this endpoint:

GET https://meteostat.p.rapidapi.com/stations/monthly

# Parameters

When calling this endpoint please refer to the following parameters.

Parameter Description Type Required Default
station The weather station ID String Yes undefined
start The start date of the query (YYYY-MM-DD) String Yes undefined
end The end date of the query (YYYY-MM-DD) String Yes undefined
model Substitute missing records with statistically optimized model data String No true
freq The time frequency of the records. Can be used for custom aggregation String No null
units The unit system of the meteorological parameters String No metric

For full specification of available frequencies, defined by the freq parameter, please see here (opens new window).

The units parameter takes one of the following values:

  • metric (Celsius, Millimeters, Kilometers per hour)
  • imperial (Fahrenheit, Inches, Miles per hour)
  • scientific (Kelvin, Millimeters, Meters per second)

# Response

The response body includes the following properties. Please note that all units mentioned below refer to the default units setting.

Parameter Description Type
date The first date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the month String
tavg The average daily air temperature in °C Float
tmin The average daily minimum air temperature in °C Float
tmax The average daily maximum air temperature in °C Float
prcp The monthly precipitation total in mm Float
snow The maximum snow depth in mm Integer
wdir The average wind direction in degrees (°) Integer
wspd The average wind speed in km/h Float
wpgt The peak wind gust in km/h Float
pres The average sea-level air pressure in hPa Float
tsun The monthly sunshine total in minutes (m) Integer

More information about the data format is available here.

# Example

The following example requires the cURL command-line interface. Alternatively, you can use an API client like Postman.

curl --request GET \
	--url 'https://meteostat.p.rapidapi.com/stations/monthly?station=10637&start=2020-01-01&end=2020-12-31' \
	--header 'x-rapidapi-host: meteostat.p.rapidapi.com' \
	--header 'x-rapidapi-key: {key}'

Please replace {key} with your personal API key.

# Data Response

The data output returns one object per month. Have a look at this example:

	"date": "2020-01-01",
	"tavg": 4.1,
	"tmin": 1,
	"tmax": 7,
	"prcp": 37,
	"snow": 0,
	"wdir": 191.3,
	"wspd": 11.2,
	"wpgt": 77,
	"pres": 1025.2,
	"tsun": 3300
Last Updated: 6/23/2021, 12:30:43 PM