# Climate Normals

Climate normals are long-term averages of historical weather observations. Usually, these means are calculated over a period of 30 years (“reference period“). However, any other time series of sufficient length can be used to calculate climate normals.

Climate normals represent the typical monthly weather at a given location. The averages can also be used for calculating anomalies of current weather and climate conditions.

# Endpoint

Climate normals are provided through this endpoint:

GET https://meteostat.p.rapidapi.com/point/normals

# Parameters

In order to query data for any location you’ll need to specify the lat and lon parameters. You will probably also want to add the alt parameter to your request to make the output more precise. If you do not set the alt parameter, Meteostat will detect the elevation using its own elevation model.

Parameter Description Type Required Default
lat The latitude of the geographic location Float Yes undefined
lon The longitude of the geographic location Float Yes undefined
alt The elevation of the geographic location Integer No null
units The unit system of the meteorological parameters String No metric

The units parameter takes one of the following values:

  • metric (Celsius, Millimeters, Kilometers per hour)
  • imperial (Fahrenheit, Inches, Miles per hour)
  • scientific (Kelvin, Millimeters, Meters per second)

# Response

The data array of the response contains twelve objects (one per month) for every period. Each of these objects includes the following properties. Please note that all units mentioned below refer to the default units setting.

Parameter Description Type
start The first year (YYYY) of the period (if not specified) Integer
end The last year (YYYY) of the period (if not specified) Integer
month The month Integer
tavg The average daily air temperature in °C Float
tmin The average daily minimum air temperature in °C Float
tmax The average daily maximum air temperature in °C Float
prcp The monthly precipitation total in mm Float
wspd The average wind speed in km/h Float
pres The average sea-level air pressure in hPa Float
tsun The monthly sunshine total in minutes (m) Integer

More information about the data format is available here.

# Example

The following example requires the cURL command-line interface. Alternatively, you can use an API client like Postman.

curl --request GET \
	--url 'https://meteostat.p.rapidapi.com/point/normals?lat=59.9127&lon=10.7461&alt=26&start=1961&end=1990' \
	--header 'x-rapidapi-host: meteostat.p.rapidapi.com' \
	--header 'x-rapidapi-key: {key}'

Please replace {key} with your personal API key.

# Data Response

The data output returns one object per month. Have a look at this example:

  "month": 1,
  "tavg": -3.8,
  "tmin": -6.3,
  "tmax": -1.3,
  "prcp": 50.9,
  "wspd": null,
  "pres": 1011.3,
  "tsun": 2400
Last Updated: 6/23/2021, 12:30:43 PM